#23 The Lord's Prayer - Kingdom

June 23, 2024
Pastor Kenneth Price
Ken and Joan Nieboer

We desire to take the initiative to focus more deeply on prayer. Our heart this season is to unpack The Lord’s Prayer, as this was how Jesus instructed His disciples in how to pray. Join us in seeking the Lord's face as we lean into the movements we see throughout this prayer. This episode focuses on God's Kingdom.

Moments To Remember

  • "Over the years, it was growing and learning to make prayer a personal conversation with the Lord." -Ken Nieboer
  • "I leaned on His promises and just spoke verses of the Bible--Lord, you are my strength for today, help me get out of bed--my joy for tomorrow that will come. So there's all kinds of different prayers throughout our life that we use or need." -Joan Nieboer
  • "The Holy Spirit intercedes for us, so our heart just needs to be laid out before Him." -Joan Nieboer
  • "As citizens of the Kingdom, we have to learn a completely new way of living and what that looks like to be members of His Kingdom." -Kenneth Price
  • "God's not playing games with us. He's our lovely Father, He wants what's best for us and knows what's best for us." -Ken Nieboer
  • "Sometimes the more difficult the times, the greater the growth. Laying your life down before Him, fasting and praying and crying out to Him. And when He comes up and shows us the answer, it can just blow you away." -Joan Nieboer
  • "That's a beautiful perspective, that even when it seems dark, He is still holding us and still with us. When we can't make sense of it, He is guiding us and directing us, and He is still good. " -Kenneth Price



  • "Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." -Matthew 5:3
  • Romans 8
  • "And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom." -1 Corinthians 2:1


  • "The only way for the Kingdom of God to manifest in this world before Christ comes is if we manifest by the way we live as citizens of Heaven and subjects of the King." -R.C. Sproul



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