Human DNA holds each person’s unique genetic code. It speaks to the core of who we are. When we become followers of Jesus, we are given a new identity. The core of who we are changes from an enemy of God to a friend of God. Our spiritual DNA changes, but we need others to remind us of our new identity in Christ. This is the essence of a DNA Group.

A DNA Group consists of three or four people—men with men, women with women—who meet together regularly to be known and to bring the gospel to bear on each other’s lives so that they can “take steps closer to Jesus.” DNA Groups are not about self improvement, but God’s unending grace to transform us through the gospel. God’s grace comes to us to rescue us, transform us, and empower us – and it gets worked out in community!

DNA is also an acronym, as a DNA Group focuses on these three aspects of growth:

D - Discover (Who is God? Who am I? How am I growing as a disciple of Jesus?)

N - Nurture (Where are my longings leading me? Can I pinpoint specific feelings that have been coming to the surface this week? Where in my life do I need prayer/care?)

A - Act (What is a step of obedience that I need to take this week? What have I heard from the Lord that I need to remember, meditate on, or share with someone else?)

DNA Groups generally meet 2-3 times per month. The strength of a DNA Group comes from its members’ willingness to be honest, vulnerable, humble, and empathetic. When our masks come off, true healing and growth begins. Our wounds and struggles are where God’s light shines in.

Here are some other questions to consider asking/answering during your time together:

Find a few others and consider forming a DNA Group today! It doesn’t have to be super formal. Meet for 60-75 minutes. Allow each person to share for 10-15 minutes, and then pray for one another. Keep meeting, keep your hearts open, and watch the Lord work.

Contact Us

Eric Kuhn

gsGROUPS Director