gsWOMEN Wednesday Fall Study

This class is now full for this semester.

What’s your favorite book of the Bible? Have you ever heard anyone reply, “Exodus?” Scholar/teacher Carmen Imes does! We will explore her enthusiastic approach to Exodus as presented on the Bible Project Classroom platform. The familiar stories will provide engaging content for discussions and for your own personal time in the Word, whether you want to dig deeper or you just need to build connections within our warm community of large and small groups. Our exploration will be the perfect complement to the Genesis sermon series wrapping up at gracespring this fall.

As we learn on Sundays about how Joseph and his family landed in Egypt, we’ll be looking more deeply mid-week at what the religion and culture was like in those days. We’ll see the transition from the time of the patriarchs to that of an enslaved people group who has lost its identity, then how they later formalized a covenant with Yahweh to be His people. Along the way, we’ll discover how these events are portrayed in the New Testament and contemplate how they matter for us today. Join us for the journey through Exodus!

Title of Study: "Journey Through Exodus"

Dates: Wednesday mornings, 9:30am-11:45am; September 25-November 20

Cost: $10

Sep 25, 2024


gracespring Bible Church
8643 Gull Road, Richland, MI 49083

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Event Organizer

Ginger Tiffany

gsLIFE Ministry Coordinator

269.629.9622 ext.

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