gsWOMEN Wednesday AM Winter Study

We're at a major transition point in Exodus as we complete our Bible Project journey with Dr. Carmen Imes.  It's a great time to join us, even if you couldn't make it last semester!  We'll be exploring the Israelites' covenant with God at Mount Sinai, making sense of what the law was all about and seeing how it is relevant to our lives today."

Study: Exodus: Covenant and Code

When: starting 2/5/25, Wednesday mornings from 9:30AM-11:45AM

Duration: 9 weeks study

Cost: $10

Registration for this study is now closed. If you do not need childcare and would like to see if there is still room in the study, however, please reach out to

Feb 5, 2025


gracespring Bible Church
8643 Gull Road, Richland, MI 49083

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Event Organizer

Ginger Tiffany

gsLIFE Ministry Coordinator

269.629.9622 ext.

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