The Envelope Wall Fundraiser is a gsYOUTH Mission fundraiser available in the Concourse before, in between, and after services on March 16th and 23rd.
There will be a wall of envelopes labeled with money amounts. On one side, envelopes labeled from $1-$100; on the other side, 20 $10 envelopes, 20 $20 envelopes, 20 $50 envelopes, 20 $100 envelopes, 19 $250 envelopes, and one $500 envelope. We are asking our church family to pick an envelope, put that amount of money (cash or check) in it, and put it in the box (or return it on the following Sunday).
Checks can be be made out to gracespring Bible Church with 'Youth Missions' in the memo line.
269.629.9622 ext.
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