Strengthen Your Marriage Course

This 8-week course leads couples to strengthen their marriage relationship, providing personal insights into communication strategies, problem-solving techniques, and tools to help couples make meaning together.

We will work through the book "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by Dr. John Gottman. You will learn fun and practical steps toward making a bad marriage better or a good marriage great. This LifeCourse will be capped at five couples for a more hands-on, interactive environment.

When: Monday nights starting January 27th from 6:30PM to 8:00PM
Where: Response Care Center
Facilitated by: James & Lauren Hackworth
Cost: $25.00 per couple -- scholarships are available

This class is an 8-week course and will end March 17th. Childcare provided at gracespring Bible Church from 6:15PM-8:15PM.

Jan 27, 2025


Response Care Center
9731 Hwy 89, Richland, MI, 49083

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Event Organizer

Eric Kuhn

gsGROUPS Director

269.629.9622 ext.

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